Saturday, August 31, 2019

Leadership and power

I. INTRODUCTION:Leadership is an important part of every human endeavor- personal, community-based or even in a big or small organization. There has been a volume of research and studies regarding leadership its theory, style and how can we be an effective leader using power and influence.First, let us try to define what leadership is. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders should have very good influencing powers .To carry out the goal of the group or the organisation. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as belief, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills.Leadership is a process of getting done through and with people. Leaders should always remember that leadership is people oriented. As a good leader, you should know how to deal, communicate, and manage people. Being a leader, we should know how to d evelop teamwork in our organization. To be a leader, we must deal with people, develop good rapport with them, apply appropriate persuasion, inspire them and influence them to in the direction of our goals.There are many reasons why society and organizations need effective leaders. First, leaders are held responsible for the growth and development of the organization. The success and failure of any organizations lies mainly in the hands of a leader. Second, leaders provide a guiding purpose for the group or organization. Third, today’s concern about the integrity of our institutions emphasizes the need for better relationship in government, school business or an organization.Are leaders born or made? Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never-ending process of self-study, education, training, seminar and experience. This guide will help you through the process.Effective leaders hip can happen on the dance floor of conversation. Leadership is an interactive conversation that pulls people toward becoming comfortable with the language of personal responsibility and commitment.Leadership is not just for people at the top. Everyone can learn to lead by discovering the power that lies within each one of us to make a difference and practicing the law of reciprocity.In this essay, it would include the presentation of the critical analysis of one effective and ineffective leader, what contributes to their effectiveness and ineffectiveness, what power and influence did the leaders use and what their particular organization could do to augment the effectiveness of their leaders and to develop other effective leader.II. BODY OF THE ESSAY:According to Ralph Lauren â€Å" an effective leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. This is true in a sense that as leaders, we should be visionary and believe that our hopes and goals will be achieved.Go od leaders are not born but they are made. If we have the desire and will power, we can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developing through time and training. Everybody has the capacity to develop and acquire leadership skills.Developing such skills will help us to understand how people feel, what motivates them, and the best way to influence them.Being a leader is not an easy task. There are many things to do and to develop for a leader to become an effective leader? The question is, what are the characteristics of an effective leader?   For one to be considered as an effective leader, first, a leader should have the passion those leaders who love what they do and love what they are doing, give hope and inspiration to his followers. Second, an effective leader makes tough decisions. As a leader, we should be comfortable making sound decisions. We should gather facts, organize information, and apply good judgement in their choice of action.A good leader can accept and take risks for his decisions. Risk takers tend to be achievement-oriented, goal directed, and self-confident. The willingness to try new ideas often reaps reward for the individual and the company. According to studies, risk-takers are tantamount to successful leadership. Next, an effective leader is a good communicator wherein they can express their thoughts and ideas in a very good manner. It includes good oral and written communication skills. They set goals and achieve those goals by communicating to others what they want to gain support and cooperation.An effective leader also knows how to motivate others to influence other people to produce good results. Motivation of employees will lean away from the autocratic methods of the past toward the new style of inspiring and empowering employees. According to Kotter, author of the Leadership Factor that tells that leadership is the process of moving people in some direction mostly through non coercive means. An effective leader reco gnizes that people are a key resource to the success of the organization, project or vision. Also, to be an effective leader, he should be a visionary.   Leaders should have a clear idea of what they want to do and the strength to persist. An effective leader is a person of integrity, gives trust and is trustworthy.The following traits and characteristics stand out as an important for success  Ã‚   an ineffective leader is totally the opposite. First, they create a climate of fear wherein the subordinate follow simply because they are afraid of the leader not because they really give support to the mission and vision of the company. An ineffective leader avoid changes, they don’t want to try new ideas. Also in the list of an ineffective leader is that they avoid making tough decisions. Their unwillingness to take risk is simply because they are afraid to commit mistakes. An ineffective leader exhibits character of being anti-social and does not want to accept responsibili ty.According to Mcshane (2007) one effective leader is CEO of Procter & Gamble (P& G) named Alan George Lafley. As an effective leader, he has knowledge of the business environment in which they operate. For example, he has a thorough knowledge of Procter & Gamble products and market. In this way, he recognizes opportunities and understands the organization’s capacity to capture those opportunities.   He also possesses self-confidence, he believes in his leadership skills and ability to achieve objectives.Effective leaders are usually extrovert outgoing, sociable, and assertive. Importantly, Lafley also walks the talk; his behaviour is aligned with the message he conveys. He restructured the company, pruned costs and rekindled a spirit of innovation through special creativity teams.   As a leader, Alley has a high level of emotional intelligence. He has the ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason, and regulate emotion in themselves and others.Last, but not the least, he has the drive for achievement. It represents the inner motivation that leaders possess to pursue their goals and encourage others to move forward. Drive inspires an inquisitiveness and need to learn. An ineffective leader is Niccolo Machiavelli. He was one of the history’s most enduring characters. He was a bureaucrat and a diplomat for the city –states of Florence. He was known for his clever frauds, boldness and expert use of cruelty. He advocates the use of machination, ruthlessness and treachery. He also believes that leaders need to be half-beasts, possessing the fox’s guile and the lion’s brutality. As of present, there are leaders who admire Machiavelli. From him, the world produces leaders like Hitler, Mussolini and Lenin. They are ineffective in a sense that they don’t care for other people and create an atmosphere of fear.In leadership, the word influence is a key word. Influence is our ability to change the behaviour attitude of the person. This ability is the result of our power. Leaders vary in their use of their powers. There are many sources of power: reward, coercive, legitimate expert, and referent. Reward power is the ability to give something of material or personal value to others. The rewards maybe in the form of promotions, bonuses, highly desirable job assignments, praise for a job well done or a desired position title.Coercive power is based on fear and punishment. Demotions, dismissals, reprimand, assignment of unpleasant tasks, and public embarrassment is some of the examples of coercive power. This form can direct toward superiors, co-workers or subordinates. Unfortunately, excessive use of coercive power is considered to be unacceptable in the work environment especially for the professionals. It may take sabotage or malicious obedience.Because of its potential for harm, coercive power should be used with great care. With the case of Niccolo Mach iavelli, he used the coercive power . Because he advocated that leaders should be ruthless to his subordinates and he practice treachery among his members. In this kind of power, leaders are power-grabber and power-hungry. They will try to succeed at any cost. Legitimate power is derived from a formal rank or position within an organizational hierarchy. This power is dependent on the formal, established chain of command within the organization and the perceived authority of the individual in that position of power.The fourth   power is the expert power, it develops when an individual possesses specialized skills, knowledge, or expertise. It can be held by individuals ranging from the chief executive officer to the computer technician. Last but not he least is the charisma power. It is a combination of charm and personal magnetism that contributes to a remarkable ability to get other people to endorse your vision.   Referent power is based on respect or admiration for the individ ual that results to personal charisma. Charismatic leaders develop vision, shows conviction and develop self-confidence. In the case of CEO of Procter & Gamble Alan George Lafley, he used the combinations of power like referent power , because he earned the respect and admiration of people in their organization. Expert power because he has the full knowledge regarding the business of P& G. Legitimate power in a sense that he was duly chosen to be the Chief Executive Officer of P& G.Leadership is not totally for executives alone. Anyone in the organization may be a leader in various ways and times. This view is known as shared leadership or the leaderful organization. Successful organizations empower their employees to take leadership role.   They will realize later on that the real essence of leadership is influence, they realize that everybody has leadership qualities and responsibilities.III. CONCLUSIONTruly, we say that leadership is influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which we are members.REFERENCES:Dalton, M., & Hoyle, D.G. Human relations 2nd edition. (2000) Ohio: SouthWestern Educational Publishing Thomson Learning.McShane, S. L. & Glinow, M. V. Organizational behavior.   (2007) New York:Mc Graw Hill International Edition

Friday, August 30, 2019

Explain the Strengths and Weaknesses of Aquinas’ Cosmological Argument

a) Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Aquinas’ cosmological arguments. The cosmological argument is an a posteriori argument based on the question of the relation of the universe’s existence and God’s existence. This argument focuses on the theory that if the universe exists then something must have caused it to existence, ie. A God or Creator. Supporters of this argument claim that to fully comprehend the existence of the universe, one must rely on a theory of a God however critics would say that due to the inability to prove God’s existence means that the universe cannot be fully explained.Many who don’t support the cosmological believe there doesn’t necessarily need to be an explanation for the universe’s existence as it simply exists. Some strengths of the cosmological argument is that it gives an explanation and reason for the universe as oppose to thinking everything just exists because it does. People may find comfort in th e cosmological argument and believing that a God created the universe as it gives the impression that everything in the universe has a specific purpose instead of just being random.Another strength is due to the argument being an a posteriori argument and it being from everyday experience of the universe. In other words, our experience of the universe aids our understanding that certain aspects of the universe have specific purposes and exist for specific reasons which gives strong support for this argument. The fact that the argument also helps develop an understanding of popular questions helps it to be a strong theory. A question such as ‘Why is there a universe? can be answered with the cosmological argument as believing that God created the universe provides an answer. The ideas on cause and effect, motion and change and contingency are clear and easy to follow making it comprehendible and easy to support. For many people, the idea that God is the cause of the universe is straightforward and no more explanation is required. Aquinas put forward three questions to answer the inquires about God’s existence whilst forming the cosmological argument.There were five proofs which he came up with but his three ways are commonly used as the cosmological argument for the existence of God. The first way is motion, the second is causation and the third way is the idea that God as a necessary being. The first way which Aquinas provided was very focused on the fact that the universe constantly changes and experiences motion which he went on the relate to the change being caused by an original Creator or God. He believed that we can observe that things in the world are always in motion or changing and is changing from a potential state to an actual state.A chain of events causes things to change from one state to another through the process of motion but the chain of movers cannot continue the process of change and motion forever as then there would be no fi rst mover (I. e. God) and then there would be no other movers. Aquinas emphasised that the first mover was not put into motion by anyone else and is essentially God. This makes the cosmological argument a strong argument to support as helps explain the reason why the universe is constantly changing. Aquinas produced the second way of causation also known as the First Cause Argument.This argument concentrated on the fact that cause and effect existed in the world. Aquinas stressed that all events that happened had a cause and must either be infinite or have its starting point in a first cause. Aquinas couldn’t believe in an endless chain of causes and effects and therefore assumed there had to be some first cause, which was God. Aquinas continued this argument to say that nothing can be a cause of itself. This is a large strength of Aquinas’ cosmological argument as things cannot simply bring themselves into existence so the explanation of a first cause is extremely log ical.Aquinas theory of a first cause gives way for God being called the first uncaused cause as he came to existence unlike anything else. The third way of Aquinas’ cosmological argument is about the idea that God is a necessary being. This argument states that because everything in the universe is contingent and dependant on something else for its existence, the universes explanation leads back to something non-contingent. Everything in the universe is dependant on something else which means that once there was a time when nothing existed. This means that the being which created the niverse must have been external to it and also must be a necessary being, aka, must have always existed. Aquinas continued to argue that this necessary being is God and that if God didn’t exist, nothing else would. This logically explains the existence of the universe without it being contradictory of God’s existence, making the argument strong. However, Aquinas’ cosmological argument did receive some criticisms from David Hume. Hume put forward several responses to the cosmological idea, provided an alternative argument to Aquinas’ beliefs.Hume believed that the idea of the necessary being was incoherent and illogical. Also, he questioned the relation between causes and effects and that every event has a cause. His response to this is that the argument provided no proof for events having causes and as humans, we never actually experience causation therefore providing an argument against the first and second way which Aquinas produced. Hume also criticised the idea of the first cause as he implied it was too confusing to follow.The word ‘cause’ itself creates confusion as the first cause doesn’t have anything to do with the actual cause which we understand. There is a contradiction as the world ‘cause’ implies a finite thing whereas a God would be infinite. Hume pointed out that calling God a cause made him seem l ike he belonged with all the other finite beings. Another one of Hume’s arguments against Aquinas’ idea of a first cause was his criticism that there is no proof saying there should be only one first cause or that that first cause was the Christian God.The ‘uncaused cause’ that Aquinas described is a largely different character to the Christian God and Aquinas doesn’t specify of any qualities which God is supposed to behold. Hume labelled this idea illogical as the God Aquinas described was a being out of touch and indifferent to the universe he apparently caused. Hume questioned the necessity of claiming the whole universe has a cause just because it can be explained by a chain of causes. Hume argued that you cannot claim the universe has a cause just because all things in the universe supposedly has a cause.He also claimed that since the universe is beyond our experience, how can we know that the universe has a first cause? Aquinas believed that t he universe could not have just come into existence yet Hume’s argument implied that there is nothing saying that this is not correct and now science can efficiently explain that the universe may have just come into existence randomly. This argument successfully defeats Aquinas’ view about a first cause causing the universe to exist.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

School Shootings

Situation On February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz massacred 17 students of Stoneman Douglas High School. Since then, politicians, grieving mothers and fathers, and average citizens are at odds with one another over what should be done to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again. In today's world of perceived division, animosity, and public policy debate, it seems now more than ever that school shootings are a hot button issue. In 2018, websites and organizations with political agendas argue that anywhere from 15 to 18 school shootings have happened in the U.S. while those with opposing beliefs say that those incidents have been exaggerated or isolated incidents either near or off a school campus. Since the shooting at the University of Texas (1966) to the Columbine (1999) shooting to most recently the Stoneman Douglas (2018) school shooting, acts of violence are becoming more and more common. School shootings perpetrated by youth (16-25) are a concern and researchers have investigated what causes individuals to perform such actions. Years of research, investigating, autopsies, and psychological evaluations can be, to a degree narrowed down into two causes of school shootings; Individual factors affecting troubled youth and social/cultural influences. While many would argue that there is no definitive cause of school shootings, it seems that most suspects involved experienced some sort of contribution at the psychological or communal level. The researchers who have data to back their argument are hopefully going to be instrumental as to determine a cure or implement preventative measures to make sure a school shooting can either never happen again or reduce the number of incidents/casualties. Researchers: Argument of Individual Factors Affecting Troubled YouthThe consensus among most researchers is that the suspect suffers from mental health issues. Dr. McGee and Dr. DeBernardo, both forensic examiners, believe that â€Å"school shooters† can usually fit a common criteria due to their research of adolescents responsible for school shootings from 1993 to 1998. Both agree that through their research, the â€Å"shooter† is a â€Å"normal† adolescent coming from a middle class, white neighborhood of around 50,000 people. They have a somewhat high IQ and come from a type of broken home (divorce, separation, etc.). It isn't until that they investigated what the child was experiencing pre-incident that caused concern. The adolescent will experience low self-esteem, disconnect from their peers, and some sort of psychological stressor. These stressors/factors all culminate into â€Å"triggering† the suspect into them believing that the only way to respond to recent trauma is to enact violence on whoever they believe is the cause for such conflict. In the case of Charles Whitman who was the perpetrator of the University of Texas massacre, he murdered the ones closest to him, his wife and mother for debatable reasons while Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold took revenge on their entire school. Glenn W. Muschert, author of â€Å"Research in School Shootings† examines the multitudes of contributing factors of school shootings and states â€Å"A variety of causes may contribute to school shootings †¦ even if direct causality may not be established.† (Muschert, 67) While he believes that there is no definitive cause, mental health is the primary point of argumentation. Continuing with the trend of individual factors affecting troubled youth, another pivotal cause that researchers can identify besides mental health problems is peer humiliation/bullying. Mr. Kimmel and Mr. Mahler, authors and contributors to â€Å"Adolescent Masculinity, Homophobia, and Violence† examine the societal impacts of possible school shooters at the peer level, stating â€Å"In conducting our analysis †¦ because they were different from the other boys—shy, bookish, honor students, artistic, musical, theatrical, nonathletic, â€Å"geekish,† or weird.† (Kimmel Mahler, 1445) Contrary to mental health, the argument of these authors is that the influence doesn't happen personally from psychological issues but those around them. In their research, most school shooters are suburban caucasian males in suburban neighborhoods and the influence is from students use of derogatory, homophobic slurs to ridicule these kids and repress their individualistic qualities. Eventually this contributes to the triggers discussed with mental health and the peer humiliation/identity becomes the cause. Another quote from a researcher contributing to the argument that bullying creates school shooters states â€Å"Is there something disturbing about the fact that children expect that their schools will have high levels of gay bashing, slut bashing, violence against girls, racism, and violence against those who are less able or otherwise â€Å"different†?† (Klein,233) Jessie Klein believes through experimentation, statistics and testimonials from victims of bullying, this hurts the individual in such a way that the only recourse is through violence in the form of school shootings. Argument: Social, Media, External Influences Lead to School ShootingsWhile the argument from a multitude of researchers and scholars that mental health and bullying are the preliminary factors that cause school shootings, other researchers examining the same topic have come upon the hypothesis that external factors are to blame. The first would be the media's coverage of school shooters upon apprehension. The national news and tv coverage gives the belief that those who commit school shootings are regarded as celebrities within the nation's spotlight on them. Since the Columbine Shooting the news provides national news to inform America about what is currently happening but students who are currently experiencing a rough patch of bullying, declining mental health, and other things see this as an opportunity to gain the attention of all who are drawn to national disaster. Video games are believed by many to glorify and give possible shooters a platform to commit such an act without consequence leading to the belief that violence in schools is the next step. McGee, J. P., ; DeBernardo, C. R. The classroom avenger: A behavioral profile of school based shootings. The Forensic Examiner, (1999). 8(5-6), 16-18. (2018)Muschert, G.W., Research in School Shootings. (2007) vol. 1, issue.1, 60-80Kimmel, M. S.; Mahler, M. Adolescent Masculinity, Homophobia, and Violence. (2003)k vol. 46, issue. 10, 1439-1458Klein, J., The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in America's Schools. NYU Press. (2012) School Shootings In this paper it looks at some previous school shooting that have happened in the United States. It looks at the shooters, and also look at theories of what possibly could’ve been their motives for commenting such a tragedy, taking innocent lives. The paper looks at what we have learned and what we can do to prevent future school shooting tragedies. It looks at how bullying has pulled the trigger and how kids just want to be heard. The paper looks at what psychologist and criminologist have to say about future shootings and past shooters.It looks at the copycat effect and how the 1999 Columbine High School shooting has set the tone and gained such attention that people have attempted or made notion that there will be an attempted repeat. Keywords: School shootings are a tragedy that does not cross many minds in America until one occurs. The people who end up involved never imagine something like that happening to them, and the ones that go unaffected by the situation continue to ignore it. This is a major problem in America today.But we can’t really fix what we don’t know what to fix, looking back on these tragedies that take place in schools. We see don’t see nothing but a cold blood killer, but looking deeper than what the naked eye sees on the surface, we have saw that many of the shooters that have shot up schools in the past have been victims. They have been victims of harassment, depression, and anger that has been built up. They have stated warning signs but people in society tend to ignore and blow the warning signs off like nothing could ever happen.That is until all the built up anger and resentment from being bullied, feeling alone, and depressed seem to outburst in to horrific tragedies. The Columbine Shooting. America’s most deadly school shooting took place at Columbine High School in 1999. Two boys named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire on their classmates killing which 14 classmates and teaches life go t taken away that day when Harris and Klebold entered their school. They also took their own life after the horrific act (Phillips, 2006). It is said that the two killers were plotting this soon to be known tragedy for two months.Right after the shooting happened, it was discovered that one of the gunmen had an internet site talking about killing. The website talked about making pipe bombs on the website it stated that â€Å"pipe bombs were some the easiest and deadliest way to kill a large group of people. † The site also referred to NBK which was an event that that was approaching where the pipe bombs would be used. It’s said that the two boys were a members of an antisocial group that are referred to as the â€Å"Trench Coat Mafia† there was supposedly a group of ten students that wore long coats and dark sunglasses all the time.Classmates of the two killer’s state that they were jerks and that they were strange. They didn’t really talk to anyon e else at the school, they were considered to be outcasts (Marshall, 1999). Shooters who were victims of bullying. One in particular shooting is a prime example that bullying can send someone over the edge. The shooting took place at Heath High School in west Paducah Kentucky in 1997. The shooter was Michael Carneal who claimed he was bullied and he opened fire on the school prayer group, shooting eight of his classmates.When Carneal was asked why did he do it? He said he was sick of being bullied and picked on (Deadly lessons: Understanding, 2003). Carneal stated that he was talked down to and humiliated and even physically tormented. He was brought to his breaking point due to bullying. Michael Carneal wasn’t just the only one that has opened fire in school due to being bullied. Alleged shooter Charles Williams who took the lives of two students injuring thirteen others when he opened fire at a Santana High School in Santee California in 2001.It was the deadliest shooting i n the United States since massacre that took place at Columbine High School in 1999. Williams had a fit depressingly common profile for children in trouble in the United States Schools according to psychologists and the schools security. The teen was a social outsider whose angry lethal threats were taking as jokes by his friends and family. Richard Butterworth a psychologist who studies United States school shootings, states that the consciousness that are in kids today is shooting is the way to manifest their anger.Since the Columbine school shooting schools have been so afraid of a fire in their hallways, they have put extinguishers everywhere. But yet they have done nothing to what are causing the fires, these kids are mad and they don’t know what else to do states Butterworth (Quinn, 2001). Eric Chester a Denver based teen expert stated that Williams â€Å"appears to be another distraught, disengaged, disenfranchised kid who wanted people to take notice of him† (Q uinn, 2001).Williams was a 15 year old who was described as â€Å"a skinny kid who got picked on a lot† some of his other aquanauts described him as an outsider who was a nerd, but others state that he was well liked. One classmate Jessica more says people called him â€Å"freak, dork, and nerd† (Bradberry, 2001). These two examples of school shooters were not the only victims that felt like they had to open fire inside hallways to be notice or heard. Sad to say they will probably be more that are victims of being bullied and will feel as this is the only way.The Copycat Effect. Since the Columbine High School shooting they seem to be an outburst of copycats that have been found with bomb making material in their passion, people who have made threats to do something Columbine like, to people found just days before their plots that are columbine like and are about to be take place and have been stop due to tips to the officials. The recent school shooting that took plac e a Sandy Hook Elementary School where 28 in total lost their life including the shooter himself and his mother.From the evidence gathered at the house of alleged shooter Adam Lanza, there was no goodbye letters nor a tell all letter. No motive was giving as to why Lanza opened fire in an elementary school full of innocent kids, from the news the day of the shooting no one really knew of an Adam Lanza which means he was antisocial probably. However the officials and investigators did discover he was a twenty year old boy who was obsessed with mass killers. The most odd and dark disturbing thing investigators and officials recovered at Lanza’s house was Lanza’s fascination with the 1999 Columbine High School shooting.The Columbine massacre was like the center of Lanza’s obsession that had to do with mass shootings. According to the Newtown report, Lanza had â€Å"hundreds of documents, images, and videos pertaining to the Columbine High School massacre. † He also had downloaded videos about the two gunmen (Pearce, 2013). During an analysis of school shootings between the years 1999-2007 Professor Ralph W. Harkin of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at City University of New York found that 8 out of 12 school shooters â€Å"directly referred to the Columbine shooting† (Pearce, 2013).Seung-hui Cho just right after the Columbine High shooting, Cho was an eighth grader when he had supposedly written a disturbing English paper and in it he stated that he wanted to make a repeat of the Columbine shooting eight years after that paper he opened fire on the campus of Virginia Tech College and took the lives of 32 people including his own. Which passed the Columbines total body count with flying colors, even though it was at a college. He still was in the train of thought while he was in grade school which wasn’t many years later after the Columbine shooting.Like one Criminologist warned in 2007 after the Virginia Tech sho oting â€Å"records exist but to be broken† (Pearce, 2013). Theories behind the purpose of kids and teenage killers. Although there are a lot of theories on why kids and teenagers go on killing sprees at schools, no one can really put a finger on to why they go on their killing sprees taking innocent people’s lives. A big theory is that they are bullied and that’s the only one that makes sense to a lot of unknown motives of past mass killers that go on killing sprees at schools.They are out casters that can no longer stand the bullying and humiliation, and just want to be heard. They feel as if the only fix to being heard and notice is pack guns to school and unleash the hurt and angry they feel to the bullies, even though they tend to take innocent people’s lives that haven’t done nothing to them in their path to destruction. Some theories state that they just want the fame weather they take their own life in the process or they pay the price livi ng. Other theories blame mental illness, some theories blame numerous things all at once.They were mental ill and got picked on and they went unheard, so they wanted to get famous to get notice and heard. But nobody can actually pin point what has exactly triggered todays youths killing sprees. James Alan Fox a Criminologist professor at Northeast University in Boston states â€Å"Nothing is different about kids† although fifty years ago, a kid that has been getting bullied or is a victim of being bullied is more likely to take their anger out by going on a vandalism spree rather than to pick up the nearest gun they can get their hands on and go on a killing spree (Khadaroo, 2013).What has been learned and what can help prevent school Shootings. Shootings at educational institutes are tragic and a shocking thing for the United States. For the most recent big massacre that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary, there have been many discussions on what we can do to prevent someth ing so horrific from happening again. But in the reality a lot of people find themselves asking can anything really be done to prevent such horrific things like school shooting from happening?An article the is prepared by Dr.  Daniel J. Flannery at Case Western Reserve University and colleagues the article contains an examination of the past studies on the topic that’s main focus is on â€Å"targeted† and â€Å"rampage† or â€Å"spree† shootings. The article finds that there is some characteristics shared from past shooters. Shooters shared characteristics like narcissism, depression, low self-esteem, and a fascination with violence. There isn’t however enough distinctive similarities to create a distinctive profile for a future potential shooter (Springer, 2012).The authors came to a conclusion, that the most effective way to possibly prevent these kind of tragedies is through a threat assessment. An assessment which requires fundamental testing , such as suicide risk, homicide risk, thought process, reality testing, mood and behavior, as well as social and developmental histories. Another key is to pay close attention to an obsession with violence and firearms. Even though this may seem obvious, but the resources that are provided to mental health school officials don’t provide for these assessments.The other conclusion that the authors have come to, is that the mental health officials and adults need to take threats of violence seriously, just like they have been doing to the suicide threats (Springer, 2012). Conclusion. The conclusion we have come to by the end of this paper on school shootings is, that majority of the shootings that have happened have been outburst of anger and just of direr need of wanting to be heard. Although there isn’t many clear motives, almost in every case the shooter have or has been bullied or has been an out caster.We’ve learned that the Columbine High School shooting has set the bar high for the high body count and even though that was surpassed at the Virginia Tech shooting. The Columbine gave school shootings a new tone. Sure we could crack down on guns and make stricter laws toward them. But the Columbine shooters made it clear that if someone really knew how to make a good bomb they could just as well kill people. There are rules about being tougher on bullying but there’s always going to be bullying going on no matter how much we suspend kids, press charges against them it might take away some of the bullying.But it will still be there. A lot of these shooters just wanted to be heard and they felt as opening fire in the hallways of school was the only way to get people to listen. So even though there isn’t a lot we can do in prevention of these horrific crimes we can still look for a solution. School shootings can happen in any community in this country. What people don’t realize is that it can happen in a flash, it doesnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t matter how many awards the school gains for being an efficient school, it doesn’t matter how many good people they’re in the community.There is always a left out person an out caster that has been a victim or is being a victim as we speak that just wants someone to hear them out but this country don’t seem to listen even when they do make threats. Some shooting the shooters have clearly said something bad was going to happen, that they were going to do something. But there again no one would listen people just think yeah right you couldn’t and you wouldn’t. But in reality they are being dead serious. Every threat needs to be taken serious and the one that makes the threats needs people to take time to listen to what they have to say, to what they are feeling.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Family and Medical Leave Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Family and Medical Leave Act - Research Paper Example A1. Addressing the Question of whether it matters that a parent literally had nothing to do with a biological child in order for the child to take advantage of the Family and Medical Leave Act to care for that parent FMLA provides that every eligible employee is entitled to take up to 12 weeks of work leave to take care of a parent suffering from a medical condition. This leave is usually unpaid and the employee’s job is protected during this period1. A parent is defined by the FMLA as a foster, step, biological or adoptive parent, including any individual who represented loco parentis to the employee while he or she was a child2. Loco parentis, means where an individual takes the responsibility of caring for the child with which he has no legal or biological connection. However, the FMLA does not cover leave for parents- in- law, whereas the military has its own provisions as pertains to the definition of a family3. With reference to the case scenario illustrated, the employe e qualifies to take a FMLA leave to take care of his or her biological parent even if the parent did not take care of him as a child (United States Department of Labor, 2010). However, in the cases of a loco parentis the FMLA outlines other individuals whom an employee is allowed by law to go and see in case of illness or accident. These are individuals who acted as proxy for the child in the absentia of his parents and, thus, qualify to be their parents more than their biological parents. In this case scenario, if the loco parentis and the biological parent to the employee happen to be ill, the law provides for the cover of loco parentis unlike the unavailable parent because this is the person who took care of the employee. However, the employee needs to provide documented evidence that ascertains that the loco parentis actually took care of him or her during childhood (United States Department of Labor, 2010). A2. A Discussion as to Whether the size of the business can have any ef fect on whether employee is eligible for family leave under the FMLA A company that has 50 or more employees is required by the FMLA regulations whether the company is non- profit or profit making; private or public. This is since small businesses have been documented to have employees who are less than 50 during a specific period of time. However, in case the company has had 50 employees in the past 20 weeks prior to the current slope in employee number, FMLA requires that the company complies with the FMLA regulation. In case the company has not had 50 employees, the 20 week factor of having a continuous 50 employee is the consideration factor (United States Department of Labor, 2001). Consequently, whether a company has full time or part time workers determines the application of the FMLA. A company that has part time workers is required by the FMLA to provide 12 weeks unpaid leave for an employee either for medical or family reasons on condition that the employee has worked for at least 1250 hours. This excludes time off and the part time employee needs to have worked for more than 12 months to qualify for this recommendation. Though the leave of part time workers is unpaid, FMLA expects that the company will continue providing health care benefits for the employee on leave, and consequently restore him or her to his original position once their leave is over (United States De

DTP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

DTP - Coursework Example I was of the opinion that I had not performed a proper self-analysis as required within the first assignment; but later believed that such an analysis had helped me to realize my shortcomings and strengthen my key abilities. Over the period of the course, the training and teachings have assisted in developing professional as well as personal qualities, which were initial weaknesses in the first assignment (Brockbank and McGill, 1998). The reflective study shall identify and discuss the difference that I have been able to embark upon in the duration of my course. I was of the belief that I lacked largely in terms of interacting with people from different backgrounds and developing communicative abilities so as to yield good results. Given that I had a sheer weakness in terms of shyness to approach people for conversation, the group task allowed me to interact and communicate with individuals not only from different countries and cultures, but also from diverse lines of thought. The course enabled me to overcome shyness and apprehension with conversations. Another major development experienced in the process of this course was the ability to become a good team player. Here, the aspect of ensuring that information flows were correct, group tasks were appropriately divided and also group work was done as per schedule become critical elements (Bohlander and Snell, 2004). I learnt ways to effectively meet my deadlines as well as monitor other people’s approach towards their deadlines. This strategy allowed me to ensure that the cumulative roles were on schedule and the task was attained successfully. Our success can be measured by the fact that we were the only group to have a real client as a part of the project on completion of the group assignment. The first part of the assignment was a reflective study on self through SMART objectives and SWOIT analysis, which helped towards

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

White Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

White Paper - Essay Example Next, David DeVore notes the importance of identifying fans and amplifying the digital brand. Some important objectives in this case include provision of relevant and useful content to engage fans, using email to share previous content with fans, and enlisting the help of brand fans. Rishi Shah identifies the shares five steps that digital marketers can use to grow their email lists successfully. These include offering gifts to website visitors in exchange for their email address, offering relevant gifts, creating their own unique gifts, hosting their files, and collecting leads. Jen Ribbie observes that content marketing does not have to be an expensive undertaking. She picks out commitment to content, using engaging, entertaining and/or educational content, recycling success stories in other formats, involving the audience, and focus on quality as key to creating content. Phil Daniels suggests that responsive design is essential to ensuring user-friendly experience on the mobile browser. To develop a responsive site, sufficient investment, strategic planning around the organization and content, enhancing technical support, and monitoring mobile trends on the site are necessary. Aaron Lee talks states that mobile phones have become a major communication tool, as shown in figure 1. about how social media can help brands gain a competitive edge by listening and responding to consumer expectations, creating trust, value, and community around their brand, and personalizing the consumer’s experience. The email list is important in deepening relationships with the consumer. The data collected from the digital marketing audience should be used to create value by turning it into smart data. The data can be used to improve the brand’s engagement, meaning, and relevance to the consumer in their online experience, email correspondence, and advertising. Trevor Yager

Monday, August 26, 2019

As the Arabs see the Jews His Majesty King Abdullah, Essay - 1

As the Arabs see the Jews His Majesty King Abdullah, - Essay Example tant history of Palestine is vague, King Abdullah in his 1947 letter asserts correctly that the awarding of it to the Jews by Britain, helped along by America, is one of history’s most dubious and inequitable actions—the giving of a gift neither the English nor the Americans had the right to offer. Taking each of his arguments in order, the charges of Arab anti-Semitism are clearly out of context and seem suspiciously part of the Zionist plan to use the tragedy of the Holocaust as justification for the takeover of Palestine. Rubin (1987) writes, â€Å"Among large and increasing numbers of U.S. Jews, the ideal view of Israel... of a poor little Israel that is surrounded and threatened by big, hostile, anti-Semitic Arab countries has been drastically changed to something much closer to the reality† (12), a reality that existed then as it did today. Clearly history recalls that the tribes of Israel lived, thrived and prospered with other tribes all over the Middle East. That there is evidence they were somewhat subjugated in Palestine at some period in the middle ages had little to do with their ultimate Diaspora to the European continent, and even less to do with their modern claims on Palestine as â€Å"theirs.† If any enmity exists it is more likely over argument s as to the location of the Temple Mount as Jewish sacred land, and the over the years it also became important to the Moslem religion. It seems then that the real enmity has more to do with religious claims than toward a certain group. Even Rubin (1987) suggests that the new anti-Semitism may be, in reality, anti-Zionism, a quite different matter. As the King points out, the Jews thrived in Spain under the Moors (Abdullah, 1947), until, that was, Christians eventually drove them out or killed them during the Christian sponsored Inquisition. The King points out correctly that it was European Christians, not Arabs who persecuted the Jews, a persecution that culminated in the Holocaust. The King makes an

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Other Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Other - Essay Example The Act necessitates GAO to evaluate the execution of the Act. This report discusses the Act's execution; evaluates NRSROs' performance-related expose; evaluates getting rid of NRSRO orientations from confident SEC rules; appraises the brunt of the Act on antagonism; and provides a scaffold for evaluating substitute models for compensating NRSROs (Sherman, 2011). To tackle the mandate, GAO reviewed SEC rules, assessment supervision, completed assessments, and staff memoranda; scrutinized required NRSRO exposes and market allocate data; and dialogued SEC and NRSRO officials and souk participants (Bangemenn, 2005). The procedure for reviewing NRSRO claims limits SEC staff's aptitude to fully guarantee that interviewees meet the Act's necessities (Bangemenn, 2005). An example of how the current processes used by agencies can be improved is while SEC had recorded 10 of 11 credit ranking agency interviewees as of July 2010, some employee’s memoranda to the Commission abbreviation t heir review of claims described anxieties that were not tackled prior to congregate (Bangemenn, 2005). 2. Analyze the impact of the attention rates on both short -term and long term debt plus how health care organization might best leverage your psychiatry. Illustrate your retort with specific illustrations. The answer to this inquiry lies in the fixed revenue nature of debts and debentures, often referred to jointly simply as "bonds" (Bangemenn, 2005). Without imaginative repackaging of the contemplation of prepaid health tactics, the appearance and timing of the conventional response to the immoderation of the medical institution would almost definitely have been quite diverse (Bangemenn, 2005).When a financier purchases a specified commercial bond, he or she is in fact purchasing a segment of a company's debt (Bangemenn, 2005). This debit is issued with precise details concerning episodic coupon payments, the chief amount of the debt and the instance period until the bond's prime (Bangemenn, 2005). Another notion that is vital for consideration interest rate risk in bonds is that bond values are inversely related to notice rates. When attention rates go up, bond values go down and thus vice versa (Bangemenn, 2005). There is a greater likelihood that interest duty will rise (and thus pessimistically affect a bond's bazaar price) within a longer time epoch than within a petite epoch. Long-term bonds have higher extent than short-term bonds. Because of this, a specified interest rate alter will have greater consequence on long-term bonds in comparison to short-term bonds (Bangemenn, 2005). This notion of duration can be hard to conceptualize, but presently think of it as the span of time that your bond will be pretentious by a notice rate change. For instance, suppose debt interest rates rise nowadays by 0.25% (Bangemenn, 2005). A bond with merely one coupon payment left in anticipation of maturity will be underpaying the loaners by 0.25% for only one coupon c ompensation (Bangemenn, 2005). Short and long terms debts on health care may result to the devastation of the health cares (Sherman, 2011). 3. Discuss the likelihood of a non-for -profit health care association issuing supply and why the management of such an association might want to do this. clarify your rationale. Management of such organizations

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Poverty in Rural America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Poverty in Rural America - Essay Example A system based on free market economics makes it difficult for the most vulnerable to gradually move forward towards greater security. Farm workers who must perform physically demanding work on minimal wages cannot continue to work forever and this means that a need exists to find ways for trying to ensure that individuals can meet their needs to retire in dignity. This essay presents a discussion about poverty in rural America to conclude that perhaps efforts to stimulate entrepreneurship that is personalised and tailor made for individuals using community funds by empowered local leadership may work better. Tax credits, temporary financial assistance and allocation of low paying but draining jobs to poor individuals have failed to present lasting solutions for improving the lot of the rural poor in America and elsewhere. The term ‘poverty’ refers to a lack of income or other resources needed for maintaining a minimally acceptable standard of living (Goreham, 572 – 573). According to the previously mentioned author, poverty in the United States of America has often been associated with urban slums and ghettos, but historically and today, poverty in the United States of America is far more prevalent in the rural areas compared to the urban areas of the country. According to the United States Census Bureau, about 13% of the total population of the United States of America, about 37 million people, lived below the poverty line in the year 2005 (GAO, 1). In addition, the U.S. Census Bureau stated that for the past four years, the poverty rate in the United States had been increasing (Spriggs, 14). However, the fact that nearly eighty-five percent of America’s high poverty counties were not metropolitan suggests that rural poverty is the more prevalent and acute compared to urba n poverty (Landon, 14 – 15). Thus, it is clear that it

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ottoman and Japanese Political Systems (c.1820-1920) Essay

Ottoman and Japanese Political Systems (c.1820-1920) - Essay Example to the conquest of Varna and capture of Constantinople that made the Ottoman Empire as the oldest surviving empire of Europe within a century (Rahme 31). The old Ottoman Empire however declined and became as the Turkey that we know today after it allied with Germany in the First World War. Prior to its dissolution attempts were made to improve its state in reconstituting its own political system but the reforms instituted were just too late to save the old Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire decline begun with the series of war beginning with the invasion of Egypt and Syria by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798 to 1801. The intervention of the French, Russian and British due to the advances and occupation of Muhammad Ali Pasha’s army in Anatolia and Syria also precipitated its decline as it has grown weaker due to the war. The call for independence of the Greeks that eventually led to its independence as a self-governing nation also diminished its territory. European leaders however were concerned how will the Ottoman collapse will pose to the general peace. Such they made an attempt to maintain the Ottoman State so as not to cause instability in their region. They agreed to maintain its integrity by â€Å"reversing the potentially devastating results of war at the negotiating table and, in 1856, admitting the Ottoman state into the â€Å"Concert of Europe† (Quataert 56). Thus the European consensus then was to keep Ottoman state intact despite its weak stature as an attempt to maintain it as a viable state. Internally, an attempt was made by Selim III and Mahmud II instituted drastic reform known as the Tanzimat or reform or reorganization as an effort to reinvigorate and reconstitute their own political systems. One of the main reason of the decline of Ottoman was its harsh and inept rule coupled with a bankrupt coffers and Tanzimat was implemented to address it. Hat-i Shariff launched the firstTanzimat in 1839 where all persons banished or condemned to death

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Evaluating Automobile Fuel Essay Example for Free

Evaluating Automobile Fuel Essay The alternatives to liquid fuels are compressed gases and electric power, however, both are viewed as inferior by the automotive industry. The gases are inferior in terms of energy content per unit volume. Electric power may be stored on board a vehicle in a battery or (for a short time) in capacitors. However, batteries are regarded within the automotive industry as substandard compared to liquid fuels in terms of energy stored by unit weight and volume. Furthermore their cost is high, and the manufacture of some battery types involves large quantities of scarce or environmentally-threatening materials including cadmium, lead, lithium, nickel, sodium, sulphur and zinc. According to the already mentioned just-auto report entitled The future of road vehicle fuels – forecasts to 2020 (January 2008), the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2007 found that around 230m barrels of oil equivalent are required to meet global demand each day. Of this total, liquids account for the largest share of the 230m barrels (37%) followed by coal (23%) and natural gas (21%), leaving a 19% contribution from nuclear and sustainable sources. Of the liquids, however, transport use accounts for more than half (51%), with the remainder going to industry (32%), residential and commercial (11%) and power generation (6%). The residential and commercial share is mainly accounted for by oil-fired central heating, and the small power generation share by gas turbines running to meet peak loads. It follows that the transport sector share of the world energy market is just over half of 37%, in other words some 19% or just under one-fifth of the total. It should also be borne in mind that the transport sector is itself divided into light-duty vehicles (privately-owned passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles), heavy-duty vehicles, and other transport applications (aircraft, ships and diesel railway engines). The light-duty and heavy-duty sub-sectors take about 40% each, and the other applications some 20%. The search for improved efficiency in the transport sector must therefore embrace both light-duty and heavy-duty road vehicles.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The question of love in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

The question of love in Romeo and Juliet Essay The theme of love is evidently explored with Shakespeares play of Romeo and Juliet, using his abilities, the author manages to introduce many obstacles or other influencing elements that has a great impact on the development of love between the two young lovers. There are two basic levels in the play, the behaviour of society within Verona and the private, love orientated interaction between Romeo and Juliet. The social culture of Verona has stood as an uncontrollable influence upon the relationship of Romeo and Juliet, especially concerning the feud between the two families of the Capulets and the Montagues. The existence of this feud is not the immediate reason for the destruction of the lovers, yet it is one of many characteristics within the plot that together is considered an influence that hindered the relationship. Increasing the scale of this elements impact on the relationship, is the fact that it doesnt simply involve the two immediate families as even the servants take part in the feud, clearly proven within the first scene. The conflict appears to be one that is inflicted upon the whole public of Verona as represented by an unnecessary quarrel between the servants of the households within the first scene. This scenes constant references and implications of physical action and the actual deed being undertaken show the unprompted and impetuous behaviour of the people. GREGORY: The quarrel is between our masters and us their men SAMPSON: Tis all one (Act I, Scene I) Their world of hate and inexplicable grudges introduces the high level of intolerance and ignorance of the destructive society of Verona to the audience at the beginning of the play, aiding hindrance to the relationship between the star-crossd lovers. However, once the play has initiated, the speed of the action accelerates further and further, thus the people behaving more unreasonable and with further impulsiveness. It is this factor that increases the impact of the occurrence in the plot, therefore emphasizing their impacts on Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare has also involved a love triangle, between Romeo and Juliet. As he involves a wealthy prince named Paris, whom is arranged, by her parents, to marry Juliet despite her devoted feelings to Romeo. However, Paris appears as a wooer to Juliet and not an emotional and individual lover, and Shakespeare clearly shows this within the initial two lines of Paris, that he is not a lover as true as Romeo of honourable reckoning are you both. Despite these obvious obstacles that Shakespeare has emphasized before introducing the lovers to the audience, love is still found between the two. Within act one, scene five, the language and form of the dialogue shared between the two supposed enemies changes, and becomes poetic and flattering, showing that their private interactions are totally different from the public life. Romeo and Juliets first conversation is composed of a sonnet. Shakespeare has successfully managed to use this poetic approach to explore matters beyond a dramatic performance and involve the audience emotionally, enabling them to imagine themselves as the recipients of the poem. The language used additionally creates an intimate perspective of love between them. When Romeo first sees Juliet, his plans are of a physical nature, Ill watch her place of stand/ And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand (Act I, Scene IV). The acting of touching Juliets hand is a linguistic representation of touch, a tactile sign. Further emphasized within the pilgrim sonnet, using a semantic use of words, attention is brought to reference of touch once again Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is prugd. The use of a formal convention of a sonnet and the emphasis of contact and physical intimacy create a new atmosphere. The next time the lovers meet is on Juliets balcony, where Romeo has trespassed on Capulet ground potentially causing a lot of danger, of which is Juliet is highly aware of If they do see thee, they will murder thee (Act II, Scene II). Romeo attempts to console Juliets fears through declaration of their being stronger than the physical power of Capulets kinsmen there lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of there swords. Romeo tries to prove his love to Juliet by using a vow, again a conventional form of speech, yet Juliet immediately interrupt him and explains that no any convention but his gracious self can guarantee his true love. Romeos use of conventional language to Juliet arouses skepticism in the audience is this really true love, or just a sign of immaturity? JULIET: O swear not by the moon, thinconstant moon, That monthly changes in her orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable (Act II, Scene II) Romeo and Juliets characters are quite contradictive. Romeo, a more experienced lover, so overwhelmed with supposed love yet shows passivity and immaturity; though Juliet, completely inexperienced with love, behaves more skillfully and cautiously constantly aware of the danger that accompanies their love. This simple contradiction may possibly have stood as a hindrance to the development of love. Additionally within this scene, one must realize that Romeo displays his ignorance of the situation and fails to consider such as part of reality with loves light wings did I oerperach these walls. Romeos inability to distinguish reality from that of a surrealist perspective corresponds to the contrast between night and day. The time of day influences the relationship greatly, as I believe both Romeo and Juliet recognize. During the day while light is still shone upon the grounds, the feelings are running high, but night is possibly considered the time of calmness and ease, where love may take place. After the fateful quarrel occurring in act three, scene one, Juliet longs for the night, possibly relating such a time of day to satisfaction of feelings, especially in terms of Romeo Come night come Romeo come thou day in night (Act III, Scene II). I believe this is further emphasized after realizing that the lovers last meeting was the wedding-night before Romeo was exiled; their parting shows that to them, day is a foe to their love acting as a significant hindrance to the development of their love. JULIET: O now be gone, more light and light it grows ROMEO: More light and light: more dark and dark our woes (Act III, Scene V) Another addition to nights seemingly appearance to uphold peace and love, acting as obstacle of relationships development, is Romeos brief display of skepticism. As previously stated Romeos inability to distinguish reality from that of a surrealist perspective corresponds to the contrast between night and day as explained in the previous paragraph, as he feels that his love to Juliet is isolated away from ordinary life I am afeard, being in night, all this is but a dream. The use of language through the poetical conventions and the action of the first half of the play, clearly show that the plot rides upon two contrary levels. The concept of love is again questioned, if there is a love concept within this play surely it represents a rival idea to the ordinary aristocratic life of Verona, thus making the concept of love plainly a rival to the real world. Yet confusion is introduced when thinking that the intimate interaction and representation of love between Romeo and Juliet, seemingly being the rival of the real world, actually occurs within this real world. The two supposed rivals of love and society regularly alternate and this happens without a change of place. Thus the two rivals of love and society remain incompatible with exception of being unified in the individuals Romeo and Juliet and in time and place of setting but is their really a unification within Romeo and Juliet? I dont believe these two rivalling themes of love and society can neither coexist or be unified as they are incompatible, nonetheless can not be separated as they take place in one physical world. Therefore, if both levels are absolutely incompatible, a solution must be inevitable hence the tragic death of the star crossd lovers. Yet their deaths may have been this seemingly inevitable solution, as Romeo realizes after hearing of Juliets apparent death that the real world does not provide any room for the realization of their love. Therefore death is regarded the only place of reconciliation and it was in all ways. I dont think Shakespeare wished to provide a didactic message to the audience, yet wished to show how the conflict between love and society lead to Romeo and Juliets death. I believe the point of the play was not how love arose out of hatred and then triumph over it in death, but that it does. The plot shows that society and death are powers or forces that influenced the lives of Romeo and Juliet. Love was the basis upon the significant decisions made within the play; therefore power of love additionally belongs to these forces. In terms of the two rivalling themes, society regarded their love as a failure; yet the lovers defiance of society proved to be a great success in terms of the power of love.

From Teacher To Facilitator Education Essay

From Teacher To Facilitator Education Essay As time pass by many definitions have changed. In the educational scene a major role change has occurred. A teacher has been changed to facilitator. As our young generation is very smart there is no need to teach them. Our major role is to facilitate them to sail smoothly around the world, to get along with the people and understand the concepts. As the teacher training institutions are lagging in metamorphosing the teacher into facilitator the responsibilities are with the schools to train their teachers and to change the teachers as to effective teachers or facilitators. The teacher is not an instructor or task masters; he/she is a helper and a guide. His/ her business is to suggest and not to impose. He does not actually train the pupils mind, he only shows him how to perfect his instruments of knowledge and helps and encourages him in the process. Sri Aurobindo. EXPECTED QUALITIES OF A TEACHER: A teacher should play a dynamic role in cultivating a sense of International understanding. It is highly possible in schools as it is said that the young bamboo can easily be bent. For which a teacher must have the following professional ethical values to become an effective teacher. Preparation and professional growth; A teacher must maintain an open mind towards educational theories and methods of teaching etc. He / she must try to refine and improve his/her method of teaching, evaluation and interaction etc. This can be attained by participating periodically in In service programmes. Relationship with pupils; An ethical teacher must have a fair relationship with the students. He/she should deal the pupils in a spirit of kindness and democracy. Any religious, political or other private beliefs should not be imposed on pupils. The teachers should protect the rights of pupils. Relationship with parents and community; Teachers should maintain a cordial relationship with the parents and community. Apart from attending school duties a teacher can take part in any activity which is for the improvement of the community. They should not attend any of the activities which would harm their teaching efficiency. Relationship between teachers and school officials; It should be very co operative, not to take any unfair or undue advantages of ones public position. They should not pass any unfavourable comments on any of their colleagues especially in their absence. CODE OF CONDUCT: Every profession has its own code of conduct to be followed by the practitioners. They are monitored by respective professional organizations to safeguard the dignity of the profession, like Bar council for Lawyers and Medical council for doctors. But there is no such professional body to monitor the code of conduct of teachers. As well as now a days there are some issues exposed by the Medias in such a way that the entire field of this profession becomes anti social. This creates an unsecured feeling among the teachers which affects their efficiency a lot. So, this is the duty of the school managements to take care of this and to provide comfort and spiritual support to the teachers to obtain maximum teaching efficiency. ROLE MODEL: Be the change what you want as the words of Mahatma the teacher one who wants to build the values in the young minds of his/her students must possess their own personal values like; Simplicity, Punctuality, Acting without bias, Being duty conscious, Maintaining language and dress code, Helping the poor and needy etc. According to Hawkins, the soul is not contained within the body but outside, in the theatre of commitments. It is the relationships that one forms with those around them, shape the personality and character of an individual. So, the teacher education institutes must take up the responsibility to inculcate the above values added to their curriculum. When a facilitator is kind, emphathetic and gives importance to human values. He himself becomes a role model. There is no need to preach or teach. He becomes the pied piper who lures away students with his enchanted knowledge. CLASS ROOM MANAGEMENT: Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire W.B.Yeats. Research has shown us that teachers actions in their class rooms have twice the impact on their students achievements as do school policies regarding curriculum, assessment, staff congeniality and community involvement. The teachers should be able to empathize with students, understand their world and listen to them. They should be certain, decided and clear in the way they communicate with students. PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING: According to Sri Aurobindo the principles of teaching are, The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught. The second principle is that the mind has to be consulted in its growth. The third principle is to work from the near to the far; from that which is, to that which shall be. Any teacher who follows these principles can be an effective teacher. BEST PRACTICES FOR TEACHING, LEARNING IMPROVEMENT: Each child is unique. Educating the whole child is the need of the hour. Effective teacher will make a life changing difference for students, conform to effective practice and essential standards. In USA, it was initially focused on the employment of highly qualified teachers, and newer thinking has upgraded to highly effective teachers as no child should be left behind. The National Development Council of India in 2001 added this as one of the standards for the professional development which will improve the learning of students that every Teacher Training Institution should Focus on quality teaching including content knowledge and pedagogy for staff development. A teacher may possess all the appropriate content and pedagogical background and be fully licensed or certified to teach, but in reality, may not be one whose qualifications make a difference in the classroom. In other words, being highly qualified does not necessarily mean that a teacher is highly effective in facilitating student learning. An effective teacher is the one who is able to make children understand the concept, learn it and execute it. An effective facilitator does not complicate on the students brain with too much information like an expert cook adds only the essential amount of salt (information) to make the soup (studies) tasty. In fact, recent research asserts that the teacher is the most important factor affecting learning. The teacher is more important than family background or environment, and, classroom resources or technology. TEACHERS AS FACILITATORS: The Research Report at 7 major US Universities presented by Seymons and Hewitt (1977) describes the following as essentials for teaching effectiveness. All the schools can follow them for the school improvement and thus the national development. A method of assessing effective teaching by monitoring the students whether they are actively engaged, concentrating and interacting, laughing, completing tasks and anticipating what comes next. The teacher should be knowledgeable, enthusiastic, approachable and caring. The teacher should give constructive feedback and supports less able students, using a wide variety of teaching methods. The teacher should be responsible risk taker and willing to innovate. The teacher should appreciate the creativity of the students and encourage their thinking outside the box. The teacher should encourage the questioning attitude of the students. The focus in the classroom is on how to learn rather than what to learn. The skills of critical thinking should be consciously thought rather than asking the students to compare and contrast. Finally, the teacher should help the students to practice the skills. Sri Seshaas Teachers as Facilitators: We almost follow all the steps. In our school we provide a fear free schooling and the exact CCE (continuous and comprehensive evaluation) is carried out. There is no fixed date of exam and tension to the students and so they enjoy their stay and learning in the school. The most essential criteria for the appointment of teachers of our school is their attitude towards the children and their profession and not their number of degrees they have. We have 10% reservation in admission for the special children. We dont call them as less able but special. A team of our teachers under the leadership of our consultant psychologist works hard as responsible risk takers. We name it Punyabhadra. The students are encouraged in creating their own ideas rather than feeding them with ours. Whenever they take part in the outside competitions like science exhibition etc. We dont bother about the result but the students own ideas and active participation are given importance. This freedom made them even at NASA Space School Learning Centre to succeed with their miniature models of Rocket and Rover. We adopt idiscoveri methodology in which teaching learning is child centered. Our teachers job is to answer the students questions and not just to finish the number of topics. Every day morning assembly is taken charge by the students. Almost every student is given a chance to take part in it. It gives them a pride, encourages them to take responsibilities. As they give the thought for the day etc. and address the assembly they get rid of their stage fear. It is practical that the important incident of the day is let out for open discussion and helps the children to develop their critical thinking. School is a wonderful platform to bring out the students knowledge, skill and desire. In order to make our school children rational and to fulfill their objective we have 9 clubs like literary club, cookery club etc. functioning in our school. These clubs facilitate each child to find, to practice and to perform their skills. It helps them in improving their self confidence. We have a programme called Fancy Fete on every Republic day (26th Jan.). Its a display cum sales of craft works made by our children especially with waste materials, for a noble cause. Every year they donate the entire proceeds of this programme to a charitable home. CONCLUSION: An effective teacher can have a profound influence on learning so as to increase the student learning gains. School is an arena where a student learns everything. This is a place where a student learns everything. This is a place where a child is made to put his whole potential to invoke his/her hidden ideas. All our practices are aimed at creating good human beings and not any particular professionals. It might be a small step for us but itll be a giant leap for the innovative teaching learning field. If our motive is good its sure that we can do wonders. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, V.Minnalkodi, Principal of Sri Seshaas International Public School, Salem, Tamil Nadu, thank whole heartedly, the God Almighty for His blessings and for being always with me. I sincerely thank my management for their support and guidance especially for my correspondent, Mrs.B.Amarjothi for her friendly approach. I wish to thank my colleagues and students who are the real platform of my learning. I also wish to thank my family members who are my moral supporters.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Biography of Toulouse Lautrec :: essays research papers

Artist Biography and Painting Critique Henri-Marie-Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec Monfa, commonly known as Toulouse Lautrec, was born on November 24th, 1864. He lived out the entirety of his life in France, and died on September 9th, 1901. Born into a family of noble but inbred blood, he had inherently frail bones, and after a series of horrendous accidents, was crippled for life. During his recovery from one such accident, he discovered his love and talent for drawing and painting. He spent a considerable amount of time in Fernand Gormon's studio, and met with Vincent Van Gogh. He also visited many locations Van Gogh has worked at. They were both of the pre-impressionistic era. Lautrec's body of work often featured scenes from brothels. He was well respected for his art at the time of his death. Lautrec's Papa Chrysantheme, painted in 1893, features three female figures on a brown, cardboard-like background. Two images of ladys in flowing, form fitting dresses are viewed from behind in the foreground, in between which is a woman who appears to be in the center of a stage, on a pedestal. She is leaning backwards, her skirt flayed out behind her. The audience is a blackish-purple shadow surrounding the murky green pedestal, the three female bodies outlined in white, red, and yellow shaded slashes. All three are vague forms, with no faces or details. Dashy, erratic lines create a sense of movement, a flurry of motion which the female dancers are creating as the twirl eroticly in their dresses. Their flesh is the color of the background - speckled yellow-brown. This and purple are the main colors in the painting, the one's you notice first. The painting is entirely earthy, natural tones, very expressive of the flourishing movement and erotic dancing Lautrec is trying to cap ture. The incomplete outlines of the body create a frenzied appearance, a fluid rather than

Monday, August 19, 2019

Misguided American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death Salesman essays

Misguided American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Death of a Salesman deals with hopes and dreams gone wrong. This does not necessarily have to be the "American" dream as such, because all people share the same hopes and dreams, regardless of nationality. The underlying factor, and the inevitable truth is that we all have to dream, dreams are important for human existence. It is evident to the reader that for Willy, his ultimate dream was to follow in the footsteps of Uncle Ben and become a successful salesman. Unfortunately for Willy, most of his dreams are illusions, yet he is unable to come face to face with this fact. At the plays conclusion, Biff is susceptible to succumb to the fact that his father, Willy, did in fact have "all the wrong dreams", and the reader will agree that this is ultimately what lead to Willy's downfall. Willy's false hopes and dreams are evident in the fact that he wants to be a mirror image of his brother Ben. "The man knew what he wanted and went out and got it!" Willy believes that Ben has the "ultimate life", and strives to follow in the dream of being a successful salesman. This brings forth the notion of Willy kidding himself, and not knowing any different.   "The jungle is dark but full of diamonds." The jungle metaphor is continually bought to the reader's attention throughout the novel. Like Ben, Willy hopes to strike it rich in the business world of New England.   Yet Willy never finds the diamonds (success), and he leaves life without fortune or fame.   In many ways, the jungle also represents the American Dream ideal that Miller often criticized. It is the opinion of Willy that the job of a salesman is the most enjoyable of all jobs. "...And the smile on your face" gives the reader the notion that Willy is happy in his job, which Willy himself leads him self to believe. Evidently, this only turns out to be another illusion that Willy has created for himself. Nearing the novels conclusion, it is evident to the reader that Willy is unable to maintain this smile, and he is no longer happy in his job. Willy's illusions throughout the novel are also evident to the educated audience.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Renaissance Man and Renaissance Women Essay -- essays research papers

Between the 1300s and 1500s, Europe experienced a period of cultural rebirth known as the Renaissance, marking the transition from medieval times to modern times. The Renaissance brought new importance to individual expression, self-consciousness and worldly experience. The Renaissance man and woman characterized the Renaissance ideals. A renaissance man was a well- educated gentleman who had cultural grace, courage and who understood the arts and sciences. On the other hand, a Renaissance woman was supposed to marry well, be loyal to her husband and give birth to boys. The most famous Renaissance man was Leonardo Da Vinci who was born on April 15th 1452 in Florence, Italy. Da Vinci was truly recognized by many to be a Renaissance child and later a Renaissance man because of his many talents. He revealed his artistic talents at the age of 17 when he was hired as a studio boy to Andrea Del Verrocchio, the leading Florentine painter and sculptor of his day. In Verrocchio workshop, Da Vinci was introduced to main techniques, from the painting of altarpieces and panel pictures to the creation of large sculptural projects in marble and bronze. His ‘’Last Supper’’ and ‘’Mona Lisa’’are among the most widely popular and influential paintings of the Renaissance. At the same time his scientific interests deepened: his concern with anatomy led him to perform dissections. After a period of time, Da Vinci’s scientific research began to dominate his other activities so much that his artis...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Character Analyses Table

Characters – The Story of Tom Brennan Using the information about the other characters given to you by the other groups fill in the boxes below, include: * Adjectives to describe their personal (how they act, what they’re like) and physical characteristics (what they look like) * How they deal with the crash & do they blame themselves for the crash? How? (Include a quote from the novel to illustrate this and explain why this quote is appropriate) * Outline how they have grown or changed throughout the novel (Include a second quote from the novel to illustrate this and explain why this quote is appropriate)Tom BrennanBefore: determined, strong, horny, talented, and athletic. How he dealt with it: Tom blames himself at the start but learns to accept that it was not his fault. He soon sees that he could never have stopped Daniel from getting in the car. â€Å"Tomorrow? I felt my heart slip to the ground†¦ there would be a tomorrow†¦ the world went on, regardless of how I felt†. It shows how Tom is struggling to get through the days and just when it gets better he remembers how crap his life is. Tom changes hugely throughout the book, he works hard to improve his life and become happy again even when he wants to give up. I just wish I was starting to feel a bit better† â€Å"You will, I know you will†. â€Å"Really? † â€Å"Yeah†. â€Å"Do you? † â€Å"Yeah† I answered. â€Å"It’s slow but I can see ahead now, if you know what I mean? † â€Å"Like? † â€Å"Like life being okay again. † I squeezed her hand. Shows how Tom starts to live again. | Daniel BrennanBefore accident: arrogant, Sentenced to 3 years in jail. Blames himself, ashamed of what he has done. He has plenty of time to think about what his done. Daniel improves at the end. Reckless at times. Doesn’t deal with the crash that well because he blames himself for what happened at the beginning.He has a mentor that helps him deal with the accident and then Daniel begins to help someone else. â€Å"Daniel was an accident waiting to happen, just shame that it happened to other people†. From Nicole’s parents. He became sorry and a mentor. This is how he changed throughout the novel. | Kylie BrennanSmoker, stubborn, argumentative. After accident: aggressive, angry, guilty, frightened, secretive and bitchy. Builds a strong relationship with Tom and Daniel. Expresses her feelings through her speech about domestic terrorism.Kylie becomes caring about Fin and made sure he was ok. â€Å"Kyle’s we’ll never be the same, but that doesn’t mean it has to be bad just different†. This show that things can change but doesn’t have to be negative. How she dealt with it: She moved on quickly, but she blamed herself secretly because she encouraged Fin and Claire to get together. She hated herself, and cut her hair off. â€Å"Tell someone who cares Tomà ¢â‚¬ . As she got up and walked out. This shows she is angry. She started being rebellious as a form of coping. She started smoking and even swearing.Unlike Tom though, she can’t talk about the accident. As she told her new friend Brianna and her old friend Becky. | FinBefore accident: mature, relaxed. After accident: confused, depressed, quadriplegic. â€Å"Hey Tom† and here he was 6 months later, his had grown back and he could breathe for himself. But he’d never be the real Fin, the Fin I knew. â€Å"Who’s Bennies 5/8th†, â€Å"A bloke called Rory†, â€Å"Is he any good†. I answered carefully â€Å"He’s not bad†He became quadriplegic, becomes depressedBecause he can’t move, he had more time to think.When becoming angry, the only way to feel better is to take it out on his family. About the crash: angry, lost confused, depressed. Blames Daniel for the crash and how he ruined his life. | Uncle Brendan| ClaireReg retful, forgiving, scared, caring and thoughtful. Claire broke up with Daniel and he went crazy which resulted in the accident. | Gran| Aunty Kath| Jo Brennan and Tess Brennan (Tom’s Parents)Sympathetic, dull, depressed, neglectful. He does not blame himself for the accident as he felt they all had the reason to celebrate.They got in to the final end they wanted a premature party. Joe did not know the full relationship between Fin and Claire had the secret relationship. Joe just saw it as a night of fun not tragedy. She nodded. â€Å"you’ve always been one step ahead of her†. â€Å"You and Kylie both have. † â€Å"So what did I do wrong my first born? † â€Å"Tess blames her parenting skills referring to Kylie and Tom being good but looked at the Daniel turned out. Tess used to be very neglectful to the rest of family and has come to deep depression.She didn’t show much interest other than Daniel this has extended not only to her own childr en but Fin as well. She changed throughout the novel by taking care of her health and making effort with her children. â€Å"Mum made dinner. † Kylie and I helped. They were only omelettes but that was the most she’s cooked in ages. She kept going on about how delicious they were and how you had to eat the eggs in a particular way to make them fluffy. Kylie gave me a bit of an eye roll but she didn’t say anything. We knew these were big steps for mum. We didn’t want to do nything to ruin it in case she went back to bed and never got out. â€Å"Not only has god given you a gift, I mean sincerely. Now, it was good, but it was never going to be as good as you† But I think deep down he meant that. Joe comes to senses and realises that Daniel, is not so much the golden child. Joe realises that Tom has so much, he has a chance at a better life, a great rugby career and a chance to become a great someone, special. This relates to Joe in changing because h e realises that Tom can be someone and he can lift his brother and family from the disaster. Tess blames herself.She felt saddened, depressed as if she never wanted to wake up from her bed. Tess often slept, and slept in the dark clutches of doona. It was though she would never wake from under the bed ever again, but Tess after all that sleeping she was just thinking that she should of stopped Daniel. But there was no way. Tess did not know what was going to happen. Daniels actions affected Tess in a way where she would never able to look at her sister in the eye again. The damaged that ripped Tess’s family apart that to her was unbearable to forget, and to beg for forgiveness. |

Friday, August 16, 2019

Brain Drain in India Essay

The concept of brain drain is of a recent one that has ever strongly emerged since the last few decades. The phrase brain drain refers to the increasing tendency of the young, energetic, capable and talented youth of a country to migrate to another country in search of their fortune — rather better fortune. They forsake their motherland for they seek better opportunities in other countries. This has become a characteristic more of the intelligentsia of the nation—the doctors, engineers, scientists, M.B.As, C.As, lawyers and other professionals. Investment in education in a developing country may not lead to faster economic growth if a large number of its highly educated people leave the country. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) estimates that India loses $2 billion a year because of the emigration of computer experts to the U.S.[45] Indian students going abroad for their higher studies costs India a foreign exchange outflow of $10 billion annually. Our country is gradually being deprived of its intellectual capacity. Brain drain is also regarded as an economic cost, since emigrants usually take with them the fraction of value of their training sponsored by the government. Our nation, if this continues, will be rendered intellectually impoverished and impotent. This, in turn, is leading to a great loss of National wealth. But, have we ever thought of the reasons behind such a great movement of brain outside the country? Like always, we prefer to harp upon the problems rather than find a solution. Why does India, a great and domineering nation in Asia, have to face such a grave and serious problem? Why is our youth allured by the stranger meadows and horizons? Why do they prefer to work hard and be honest there, instead of here?The first answer to this problem is that we have utterly failed to our youth in providing the right kind of career opportunities and the opportunities to prove their capabilities. India has fallen face down when it comes to fulfilling their aspirations, ambitions and dreams. Countries like USA, UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Japan etc have developed greatly in their technology, science, electronics, computers, astronomy etc. Thus, these countries provide greater opportunities—quality as well as quantity-wise. The facilities, packages, scholarships etc provided by these nations are far better than what we can  provide them in a lifetime. The only thing we can do is that when Indians like Amartya Sen, Arundhati Roy or Kalpana Chawla make it to international fame, we jump with joy and hypocritically say that they are Indians and we are proud of them. Cynics allege that talents like these can never hide. It will unreveal itself ultimately under every or any circumstances. This is utter foolishness. It is only reasonable and logical to think how you can expect a seed to sprout without providing it with sufficient water, fertilizer, manure, heat and protection. Same is the case with men too. How can the youth of a nation rise to superhuman feats when we cannot even provide them with humane conditions? He too, has a right to live and move ahead. Therefore, his reason leads him elsewhere in search of the land of his dreams where he can see these dreams, taking real shape. He can soar high, fly to his own liking in other countries whereas his wings are clipped short and he is left to suffocate and die on his own. Moreover, when Indian students, studying abroad return, they find themselves without any job or opportunity because we in reality have no jobs or employment avenues to match their caliber. Hence, even if they want to stay back, necessity forces them out of the country to earn a living. If we want to put a check to this growing problem, we have to create better jobs and offer better opportunities to our intellectuals so that we can woo them to stay on. Our IT professionals and IIM graduates are the best in the world. Countries welcome them with open arms. Why cant we think of some measures where we can absorb our best within our own country? We can use the best potential of the country to accelerate our progress in socio-economic fields. We need to give deserving jobs to students who return to India after completing their education abroad full of fresh ideas, zeal, idealism and patriotism. We need to formulate such policies which attract our scientists, engineers, lawyers, doctors, researchers, MBAS to come back to their motherland and work together for its progress. We need to weed out petty politics and corruption to provide a better living atmosphere and a better working condition if we seriously want to block the brain drain from our country. â€Å"We recognize the greatest strength of India is not just the number  of people, it’s the skill level that exists here† say an International Company. REFERENCES Lincoln C. Chen, M.D., and Jo Ivey Boufford, M.D. â€Å"Fatal Flows Doctors on the Move† New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 353:18501852 October 27, 2005 Number 17 online version, editorialCheng, L., & Yang, P. Q. â€Å"Global interaction, global inequality, and migration of the highly trained to the United States. International Migration Review, (1998). 32, 62694. Jeff Colgan, The Promise and Peril ff International Trade, (2005) ch 9. David Heenan.Flight Capital: The Alarming Exodus of America’s Best and Brightest (2005), brain drain in reverse as immigrants return homeDevesh Kapur and John McHale. Give Us Your Best and Brightest: The Global Hunt for Talent and Its Impact on the Developing World (2005) [2]Dowty, Alan (1989), Closed Borders: The Contemporary Assault on Freedom of Movement, Yale University Press, ISBN 0300044984Harrison, Hope Millard (2003), Driving the Soviets Up the Wall: Soviet-East German Relations, 19531961, Princeton University Press, ISBN 0691096783Kemp, Paul. Goodbye Canada? (2003), from Canada to U.S. Khadria, Binod. The Migration of Knowledge Workers: Second-Generation Effects of India’s Brain Drain, (2000)Kuznetsov, Yevgeny. Diaspora Networks and the International Migration of Skills: How Countries Can Draw on Their Talent Abroad (2006)D. W. Livingstone; The Education-Jobs Gap: Underemployment or Economic Democracy (1998), focus on Canada online editionDouglas S. Massey and J. Edward Taylor; International Migration: Prospects and Policies in a Global Market, (2003) online editionMullan, Fitzhugh. â€Å"The Metrics of the Physician Brain Drain.† New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 353:18101818 October 27, 2005 Number 17 online versionCaglar Ozden and Maurice Schiff. International Migration, Remittances, and Brain Drain. (2005)Ransford W. Palmer; In Search of a Better Life: Perspectives on Migration from the Caribbean Praeger Publishers, 1990 online editionPearson, Raymond (1998), The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire, Macmillan, ISBN 0312174071Ronald Skeldon an d Wang Gungwu; Reluctant Exiles? Migration from Hong Kong and the New Overseas Chinese 1994 online editionMichael Peter Smith and Adrian Favell. The Human Face of Global Mobility: International Highly Skilled Migration in Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific, (2006)Thackeray, Frank W. (2004), Events that changed Germany, Greenwood Publishing Group, ISBN 0313328145David Zweig, Chen Changgui, and Stanley Rosen; China’s Brain Drain to the United States: Views of Overseas Chinese Students and Scholars in the 1990s Institute of East Asian Studies, 1995 online edition

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Response to Text Carlitos Way

Response to Text: Carlitos Way The film Carlito’s Way directed by Brian De Palma uses visual and verbal techniques to show the idea of world of crime. The main aspects of world of crime are loyalty, betrayal and can’t escape your past are all shown in the film. Together visual and verbal techniques are used to show the main idea of the film which is world of crime. An important idea in the film Carlito’s Way is the idea of loyalty. Loyalty is shown throughout the film by Carlito to his friends. Carlito played by Al Pacino shows loyalty to his friend Dave played by Sean Penn when he is going on the boat to help get Tony T out of Prison.The verbal technique dialogue is used to show the idea of loyalty. When Carlito is on the boat with Frank Tony T’s son Frank asks Carlito, â€Å"is this guy a friend of yours,† and Carlito replies ,â€Å"Yea, He’s a friend of mine,† this shows that Carlito is loyal to Dave even though they are in a situat ion where Carlito could go back to Prison, or worse he could die. Brian De Palma has used dialogue to show that in the world of crime loyalty is a big idea and when people are loyal to their friends then they will do anything for them even if it is a danger to their life.This show the Audience that Carlito is loyal to Dave for getting him out prison and feels that he owes Dave and he will pay him back in any way. This also shows in the world of crime you must also pay people back when you owe them. I’ve learnt from this that in the World of Crime I should be loyal to my Friends no matter what situation I am in. Another important idea in Carlito’s Way is the idea, can’t escape your past. The idea of can’t escape your past is shown by Carlito when he has just hit Benny Blanco down the stairs and is shown through the visual technique and verbal technique of lighting and voiceover.When Carlito is standing at the top of the stairs about to hit Benny Blanco the lighting on his face is red which shows Carlito’s dark and bloody past, he then hits Benny and there is a voiceover of Carlito saying â€Å"Dumb move, man. Dumb move. But it's like them old reflexes coming' back. † this reinforces the idea of can’t escape your past because that is what Carlito used to do in his past. Brian De Palma uses these to show that when you have got into the World of Crime you can’t escape even when you want to.This shows the Audience that you can’t escape the world of crime even if you want to start fresh as it will always drag you back in. I have learnt from this that you shouldn’t get in to the world of crime in the first place as you will never be able to get out of it once you are in, even if you try to get out. Another important idea in Carlito’s Way is the Idea of betrayal. This idea is the most important as it would be the most common in the world of crime. It doesn’t matter who is going to betr ay you, it could be your best friend or a family member they can still betray you if they think it’s going to benefit them.The idea of betrayal is shown by Pachanga when he betrays Carlito to Benny Blanco and is shown through the verbal feature Dialogue. When Carlito is at the train station and about to board the train Benny Blanco shows up and shoots him, Pachanga then comes and says ,â€Å"Hey no hard feelings Carlito. But I got to think about my future, too. You know, it is that way sometimes, papi. Come on, let's go,† Benny then says, â€Å"No you stay here,† and then kills Pachanga because he is no more use to Benny.Brian De Palma uses this feature to show that in the world of crime Carlito can be betrayed by anybody even one of his closest friends. This also shows that in the World of Crime someone can betray you just because they need to make some money and that it doesn’t matter if you have been friends your whole life. This shows the audience tha t betrayal is very common in the world of crime and can come from anywhere even your closest friends. I have learnt from this that in the world of crime you should trust no one as you don’t know who could betray you.In conclusion the visual and verbal features such as dialogue, lighting and voice over are all used to show the ideas of can’t escape your past, betrayal and loyalty which are all in the World of Crime. All the techniques together can show the viewer the ideas about betrayal and how anyone can betray you in the world of crime, the idea of loyalty and how you should be loyal to your friends in the World of Crime no matter what situation you are in and the idea of you can’t escape your past and when you get into the World of Crime you can’t get out even if you want to.Brian De Palma used these visual and verbal features to show the audience the world of crime and how it affects you in life. I have also learnt from this film that you should be lo yal to your friends but also be wary because betrayal could come from any direction whether it is friend or family and eventually your past can catch up with you.