Monday, December 9, 2019

Abortion in the bible free essay sample

Everyone has their different approach on abortions. There are two main approaches. Those two approaches are known as pro-choice and pro-life. Pro-choice is advocating a woman’s choice right to control her own body and her choice to carry and bring a child into this world. Pro-life is advocating full legal protection of embryos and fetuses. While everyone is appointed their own free will, it is illegal for a mother to murder her born child; therefor it should not be legal for a mother to abort her unborn child. Abortion is murder, every heart beating living human life should have a right to live, and no reason should justify abortion. Other than the exception that if the mother’s life is endangered by the pregnancy. There is always a second option over abortion, adoption. Abortion is murder. The life of an embryo begins at conception. The embryo is a human life. It is not a plant life. Nor is it a chicken embryo. A fertilized human embryo had its own unique genetic human signature that is different from either of its parents. That clearly shows it is not an additional tissue mass belonging to the mother as some pro-choice advocates would suggest. Each embryo has a unique genetic make-up as does ever human life. As well as being a separate and unique, a fertilized embryo is ontologically no different than a human toddler, adolescent, or adult. Nothing is added or taken away from the embryo except for food and waste. It does not go under any fundamental ontological change after conception; it simply grows and develops just like any other toddler would grow or develop. The fetus’s heart beat starts beating between 18 and 25 days. Electrical brainwaves have been recorded at 43 days on a EEG. If the absence of a brainwave indicates death, why will pro-abortionist not accept that the presence of a brainwave is a conformation of life? The brain and body systems are present 8 weeks and functioning a month later. At 8 weeks, the baby will wake and sleep, make a fist, suck his thumb, and get hiccups. At the end of week 9, the baby has its own unique finger prints. At 11-12 weeks, the baby is sensitive to heat, touch, light and noise. All body systems are working. He weighs about 28g and is 6-7. 5 cm long. Yet in various states abortion can be performed up to 24 weeks. But a the ability for the fetus to express its thoughts and opinions is not developed for many years late, if their moth chooses to let them make it that far. There is always the fight between the mother’s right to make her decisions of her body and the unborn child’s right to life. Nobody should have the right to choose rather the unborn fetus has a right to be brought into the world and continue its life outside of the mother’s womb. If everyone has the right over their body, the child should have the same rights. Like in the movie my sister keeper where the mother had a baby just to keep the other child alive. She had no right to do that and that child had the right to make decisions for her and her well-being. Even though the unborn child could not speak and express its opinion of what should happened to it gives no one any right to take that child’s rights away and end the child’s life before it has a chance to makes its own decisions. In the bible Genesis 9:6 states that we are made in Gods image and therefore our lives are precious and whoever takes the life of another human being, forfeits the right to his own life† Because all life was created by God and belongs to Him, no one has the right to murder another human being. You shall not murder. Exodus 20:13. The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood according to Proverbs 6:16-17. The Bible also teaches that we need to defend the weak and the helpless. Speak up for those who cannot speak for they defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9 How can you make a fetus more important than a grown woman? they might ask. In reality, outlawing abortion wouldnt be giving unborn children more rights; it would simply gain for them the one most fundamental right that no one can live without, the right to life. If the mother does not abort the baby the woman remains pregnant. This will result in her maybe feeling signs of sickness, fatigue, reduced mobility, and enlarged body. These are all temporary conditions. On other hand if the woman does abort the child, the child loses its life and rights to have a life these are permanent decisions. That child will never get to experience life other than the short experience in the mother’s womb. In 1971, Judith Jarvis, an American moral philosopher and abortion advocate, published what some call the most widely reprinted essay in all of contemporary philosophy. A Defense of Abortion concedes that fetuses should be recognized as persons under the law, but argues that the right to life consists not in the right not to be killed, but rather in the right not to be killed unjustly. Jarvis then offers her violinist argument as an example of a situation in which most people would recognize the moral justice in allowing an innocent human being to die. This whole paragraph comes from http://www. abort73. com/abortion/competing_rights/. Therefore, you need to cite the entire paragraph. To do otherwise is plagiarism. When you use someone else’s words – verbatim – and do not place them in quotation marks and use proper in-text citation, you have committed plagiarism. While I do not believe that you have done so intentionally, (as you do indicate the web site in your Works Cited page), I do think that you copied and pasted a large chunk of information in support of your â€Å"argument† for this paper. I suggest a few things: #1 do not copy and paste from online sources. Re-phrase the information (this is called paraphrasing) in your own words and introduce the data/supporting information in your own words. Give yourself enough time to do this; to do this correctly, you need the time to synthesize the information that you are learning/reading before you â€Å"rephrase it† in your own words. Secondly, please read your textbook chapter about Argumentation-Persuasion essays that deal with introducing information and citing information as in-text citations. People try to justify a logical reason to find abortion necessary. Three of the main reasons women have abortions are due to rape, incest and a disabled fetus. If she was aware that she had a possibility that the horrible accident would have an outcome of pregnancy than she should seek medical help to prevent from getting pregnant. If she refused to the unborn child should not have to pay the consequences. When it comes to a child being conceived during an incest relationship it often results in the abortion. Why? The child did not choose for you to have a incest relationship. Usually, the reason is fear that the child will come out physically or mentally disabled. When in all reality the child only has a twenty five percent chance come out disabled. Even if a fetus has a chance of coming out with a disability, should it be either physical or mentally, the child is still a human and rather the mother or an adoptive parent should be cared for an loved. If the mother does not believe she is capable of giving the child the needed attention or love if the child is conceived through rape, incest or has a possibility of coming out disabled there is always an alternative to having an abortion. Adoption should be chosen over abortion. Some people may argue that it is difficult for the mother to give up her child for adoption, but if the mother could make the choice to end her child’s life she should be able to make the ecision to give her child to a family who will cherish the child’s life. Over half of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended. While four out of ten of those pregnancies end in abortion and twelve percent of women cannot conceive or carry a child to full term. Instead of taking the life away from the child give it a chance to live, give a family that cannot have a child of their own a chance to have the opportunity to have a child to raise and love. That child was put on the earth for a purpose even if the conception was caused by a horrific act. There are many more arguments against abortion although there should be none. Everyone should be able to see that this vicious act of selfishness is immoral because from the conception a human life is being created. That human life should have the right to life even if the fetus is in the womb still thou should still have the rights have every walking human has. Granted the mother does not want the baby there is always the option for adoption. No reason rather it be rape, incest or the chance of the fetus being born with a physical or mental disability should make an abortion right. Only exception being that the mother’s life is in threat while carrying the fetus. Fragment; also a bit of a logical dichotomy between the first sentence of this paragraph and the last, wouldn’t you say? Take a look at that, as in one breath you are saying there should be no arguments FOR abortion, and then at the end of your paragraph, you concede that there is at least one exception. Again, take the time to think your argument through†¦percolate (like a coffee pot) on the information before the words dribble out onto the page for others to read.

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